Stage Spotlights
2 min readAug 8, 2019


Russian novelist Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born in Moscow in 1821 and died in Petersburg in 1881.

He lost his mother at a young age; his father enrolled Dostoyevsky at the St. Petersburg School of Engineering; after a time his father died. Scientific and military discipline of engineering school was incompatible with the tendencies of Dostoyevsky who wanted to read and write books.

Therefore, after finishing his studies, he devoted himself to writing books at the expense of being poor; to ensure the livelihood, he was doing translations. However, as he gradually began to make his name known, his life changed dramatically with his participation in young liberals.

He was arrested on 23 April 1849 at the request of Count A. Orlov and Tsar Nicolas I, after eight months in prison, he was sentenced to death. A few seconds before his execution, his sentence was converted to four-year-old Siberian exile. Long after the exile, he has obtained permission to return to St. Petersburg again; under these circumstances he began to write, even his writing impressed Tsar Alexander II.

Although his works make a sound, Dostoevsky had no money. After that he had great difficulties in his private life; after the exile, she could not escape epileptic seizures; however, this was the period when he wrote his most famous works, such as the Karamazov Brothers, Demons, Crime and Punishment.

When he died as a result of bleeding on January 28, 1881, Russia organized an unprecedented funeral for this former prisoner.

The most valuable aspect of Dostoyevsky’s works is admittedly, extraordinary psychological analysis.

#Dostoyevsky #Russia #FyodorMikhailovichDostoevsky #Moscow #Petersburg #StPetersburgSchoolofEngineering #CountAOrlov #TsarNicolasI #Siberianexile #TsarAlexanderII #KaramazovBrothers #Demons #CrimeandPunishment #epilepticseizures #GOAT #novelist



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